
Monday, September 30, 2019

First Impression Within A Dream

 My first impression of the poem was that the title would of probably been a bit more of someone trying to dream or dreaming of what they most desire. The poem is pretty honest about life though it was able to put in words what some people can't. It describes they days passing and how if things really do disappear. The days turn into nights type of thing.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Thesis Statement

We should write the afterwards like how Goodman saw the world after he saw the things in the forest. In more detailed form.

My Essay Essay

Young Goodman Brown
  I think that Young Goodman Brown  really did walked through the forest. In the text we can find some key points that give us the lead that he wasn't dreaming any of it. He also did describe what he lived so vividly that it was really hard to believe that all this just happened in his head. Here are the following reasons why I believe Young Goodman Brown was actually awake living a nightmare. Hawthorne seems to connect dots that we sometimes forget to connect.

  One of the main reasons is that I believe that Goodman was awake is because as he is walking along the forest it never mentions that he stopped to rest and than saw the old man approach.  "He arose, at Goodman Brown's approach, and walked onward, side by side with him." The old man walked towards Goodman as he arrived." Goodman never stopped he was still moving so there was no way he could've been asleep. The author obviously would of said that Goodman stopped to rest and than the elder man would of walked into the story. Hawthorne made it clear that he himself probably felt that even the Devil can be real. The old man is a symbol that represents the other evil entity.

  My second reason is that the Elder man knew a lot of information from Goodman's background. In a part of the story the elder man tells Goodman he was well acquainted with his family. The old man says," I have been as well acquainted with your family as with ever a one among the Puritans; and that's no trifle to say. I helped your grandfather, the constable, when he lashed the Quaker woman so smartly through the streets of Salem." This just shows that this entity is older than what he looks like. He should be dead if he knows that many generations of Goodman's family. The thought of a character like the old man to be older than anyone in the world just hints that the author may have some religious bias in his life.

My third reason is that Goodman seems to be doing things against his will almost as if he was being controlled. Goodman keeps trying to stop from walking but he seems unable to. The snake on the old man's staff say's, "Sayest thou so?" after Goodman says he won't walk any further this follows by the snake smiling and saying, "Let us walk on nevertheless, reasoning as we go, and if I convince thee not, thou shalt turn back. We are but a little way in the forest, yet." And with this Goodman keeps on moving even if he isn't doing this by his will. The staff seemed to be able to posses him. Also he saw many people that had higher positions which is always a conspiracy of how people get in power. Hawthorne actually includes a scenario where a character is being controlled  by a higher power.

In conclusion I think that Hawthorne might have gotten his ideas of evil entities and higher powers from his life style. He includes the witch trials which where done due to religious believes. Hawthorne could of maybe made this "story" up to something he might of happened to him or he could have heard of. 

Monday, September 23, 2019

Young Goodman Brown

1. I think Hawthorne's purpose for writing this was to show a man's sanity can be disturbed when he losses something he truly cares for. There is a saying that says, "Family makes a man whole and its true sometimes we can't deal with losing a family member. In the story Goodman Brown tries to keep his sanity because he has his wife (family) to consider before he makes the choice to get involved with the evil doers. When he thinks that Faith is dead he seems to give in to his dark feelings.Just like sometimes people turn towards drugs after a family loose.

2. I think Faith's name is a good fit because  after believing that Faith had dies he changed his faith he decided to do bad for a moment. When he "wakes up"  he sees things differently he sees his wife different he sees the world different and all it took was for him to see Faith (his wife) from a different angle to change him forever.

3. The pink ribbon I think symbolize the memories he had with her. The pink ribbons where just a symbol. In this quote I believe he isn't talking about the objects,"But something fluttered lightly down through the air, and caught on the branch of a tree. The young man seized it, and beheld a pink ribbon." He saw the ribbons and probably reminisced on memories he had with her.

4. In my opinion this was a story that really did happen because in the story it never mentions Goodman Brown stopping to rest or slowing down. " He arose, at Goodman Brown's approach, and walked onward, side by side with him. " In this quote it explains how the Devil walks up  to Goodman it never states that he stopped and later saw the devil. He never stopped for a brake so he had to be awake. Also after he sees everything Faith seems to act guilty.  "Turning the corner by the meeting-house, he spied the head of Faith, with the pink ribbons, gazing anxiously.." in this part it looks like Faith knew she was caught by Goodman Brown.

5. The old man seems to be a dark entity. Maybe even the devil himself because he seems to be able to control Goodman Brown actions. In the story the person makes Goodman walk against his own will. He also states, "I have been as well acquainted with your family as with ever a one among the Puritans; and that's no trifle to say. I helped your grandfather, the constable, when he lashed the Quaker woman so smartly through the streets of Salem.." it just shows that this old man should have been dead a while ago.

6. I think the staff is an object to control Goodman because every wizard or entity uses a object for their magic.

7. Maybe only if he hadn't gone to the forest he would still probably would trust people he would never seen the real people.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The First 50 Pages

  In my book "The Turner Diaries"  the story or diary begins with Earl Turner going into hiding because he was being looked for by the police because he was found with a hand gun and put under arrest. Earl is also part of a secret society know as "The Order" this is when we know the book will get interesting.

The Turner Diaries

The Turner Diaries
By Andrew Macdonald

1.  In my book it describes a diary of a man Earl Turner living in a dystopia of the US after the evil Jewish Government takes control of the country. Earl Turner is part of  resistance of the pure white race. The resistance is known as “The Order” they are trying to overthrow the government that has been corrupted by the white liberals and the other races that in the book are depicted as savages and violent people. Earl Turner commits crimes and does domestic terrorism against the system. There methods go from doing bombings and mass murders to laundering money to stop their robberies and be able to provide economic support for themselves and to affect the US economy. They end up taking California and their military bases and turn the state into a white sanctuary city. In the end when the critical point between the Order and the System comes down to 1 attack and one side will have the advantage, Earl Turner drives a plane with a megaton bomb into the Pentagon as his last effort to help the cause. In the end the Order comes out victorious and the whole world except for some parts in Asia are pure white.

2. The theme of the book seemed patriotic because even though the members of the Order were against the government they showed real patriotism to their race. The members knew that they could get killed for being part of the organization. Many members were caught and tortured and while some left the real patriots stayed and continued their fight.

3. I think the author of my book is a guy who must drink a lot and (this isn’t a joke) might actually use drugs judging by some of his thoughts on the book such as believing people for being different will be bad. He drinks too much caffeine probably wakes up late to continue his racist mind running. 1 reason I think he is on something is because he talks about human trafficking between teens that sell each other this can be found in pg 84 paragraph 3 when Earl asks a teen about the girl she had issues with the girl simply says “We sold her.” To me you must really be on something to have these thoughts running in your head even if it's for a story. The characters also seem paranoid all the time almost as if the author himself had experience with these feelings. That is why I believe he is on caffeine all the time.

4. 5 literary terms that helped me understand the story was the time set the diary begins in September 16, 1991. The location is also a good thing because Earl Turner is living in Chicago a place that has many ethnicities in it. This kind of helps me understand his motives to why he would join the Order or why he has the feeling that he is being replaced by the other races. The author also does well at addressing the conflict in the book. In page 1 the second sentence the author writes “We are at war with the system...” so instead of having to try to figure out what the whole conflict is about the author gets right on it. The character also helps me understand the book because we are reading his diary his feelings. The author can always describe Earl’s feelings so vivid that you can almost feel them. An example of this is in page 185 paragraph 1 Turner states,”So much has happened, so much has been lost in these last two weeks, I can hardly force myself to begin writing about it. I am alive and in good health, yet there are moments when I envy the tens of millions who have died in recent days. My soul has dried up inside me; I am like a walking dead man.” I was able to feel his pain because I know how it feels to lose someone you care about knowing that they are dead a part of you leaves.

Conscience of a Hacker

 This manifesto was really interesting. For 1 I can relate to it teachers and grown-ups tend to  treat us like if we where some type of guinea pigs or as if we where something that they feed with so much knowledge like math, science, and other subjects that don't necessary help us think outside the box beyond the border of pure subjects. The Mentor explains how some of us feel about school we are here forced to learn things that might not exactly help us with our desired career. A person who sucks at math might just be the next Van Gogh  or that student that sucks in Science might just be the next Beethoven. The mentor knows that there is more out there than what is taught in school.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Medium Is The Message

Today I learned about security with our personal data in the internet. Something interesting that I learned was that we should change our passwords at least once every month I think this is a great step because we minimize the chances of our accounts getting hacked. We also learned of Proton which is a company that can in crypt your personal data so it is hard to reach which seems convenient if you are doing a project for a company. You should also use different passwords so you can avoid possible reach to your accounts.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Thinking About What I Want To think About

  My thoughts right now or most of my time are if we learned to see others as equal to us would this world have wars ? Would ISIS exist? Would borders even exist? This may seem like a simple answer no there would be peace but that's not the respond I want. I want to know if we would be more advanced maybe if we gave those Illegal Aliens a chance to have the same rights and jobs would this country be more efficient ? Maybe if we all really did something as one whole the world wouldn't have limits no border would block the possibilities maybe we are all just to ignorant to try to be equal. This where just some of my thoughts on the daily.

Getting To Know You

  I know most people where my dad works because I mostly always go and help him out with his work. To me this is more of my community because I am there most of my time. In my neighborhood I know a decent enough of people but in work it's like a small community. If its hot and you bring drinks and somebody doesn't we all share and help each other. If someone doesn't come and when you do see them you ask them why they didn't come and if they are in good health. Someone needs to use the bathroom its cool we will take care of your stuff while you come back. We are the community that bases their friendships and principles in respect among us. Its important to know people for this reasons you might need a favor and if you know people and you and them are friends you are all good.

Today I Asked A Question

  So this post is late but I can say something I did ask today a friend today. So last Friday I had a bit of time and I was able to watch 21 Jump Street. So in one seen Jenko punches a person and his excuse was that the other student was acting "gay" then when Jenko and Schmidt are in the principal's office Schmidt argues that it would've been more homophobic for NOT punching the other student because he was gay. So I asked my friend whats more homophobic punching someone for being gay or not punching them because they are gay. He seemed tripped out by the question because he said " Well if you hit them because they are gay its homophobic but if you also don't you kin of exclude them because they are gay. So that was my question and it was really confusing.

The Socrastic Method

  I think the Socrastic Method is very useful and something really good something that would be worth trying in class or to use in our daily bases. I have used this method while questioning people who believe in White Supremacy for example I used this method on a person I know for his own privacy reasons well call him Bob just because its a basic name. I asked Bob what made him believe in this idea now, I only said idea I could've asked why do you believe in this outrages idea. That would of made him give me a argument not a response. I followed up the questioning by saying I was hear to try to see his view not try to say he was wrong I was just there to understand him. He answered I was raised with that idea and I said so you let others decide what YOU SHOULD think not WHAT YOU REALLY THOUGHT. This questioned seemed to startle him he said that he believed it truly. Right back I decide to question his feelings towards me after knowing me for a couple of years. He tried to break the questions be using the we all have our own freedom of believe. But I questioned him to add to what he meant as his believed. Anyways, towards the end he seemed to be questioning his own believes I recall him looking at his Confederate flag and shaking his head than looking at me  and looking at the flag once more. Not only is the Sorcastic method a really good way to interview a person but to also help people truly understand what they want and how they feel.

Train Your Brain Like a Memory Champion

   My thoughts on this method seem so familiar to me. I can relate because if I want to remember something I'll probably leave myself a small reminder with objects. If I have to take something to school for example my book I will probably leave my id card on top of it and I'll think oh right I gotta drag this with me today.  In the article it states how objects can mean numbers well I recall reading something about the US Military using the Navajo language as codes and using objects such as egg to mean bombs. It might not make sense to anyone else but sometimes the best reminders can be objects or phrases. Another example of phrases to help you remember thing or steps you have to do the job right is PEMDAS or as most of us remembered it " Please excuse my dear aunt sally." it means the equations you do first just like you read the sentence left to right that's how you work your math out. First you do Parenthesis than Exponents than you Multiply and than you Add and finally you Subtract. A simple way to remember all these math steps. So I believe we have all at least used some of the methods stated in this article and we have not realized it which was pretty mind blowing.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The making of an essay

For me making an essay has never been my best experience. Teachers want us to write things in a certain way. In my writing I put and try to add every thought that crosses my mind. To them it may seem foolish or wrong but  in my mind and other peoples mind it fits because we are teens we think different than teachers do because we are younger we comprehend things in a different way. Maybe teachers should try to learn to see things in a different ways just like we try to learn and see it how they tell us to.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Today I will write about some of my personal thoughts and hopefully be a good piece for you guys to read and maybe open your eyes a bit more. The hate that has been raising in our nation the past few years have been tragic. I have seen various hate crimes being demonstrated in this once great nation. Suicide is one of the results of this hate according to suicide rates have gone up by 60% worldwide. This not only means that this hate is really affecting people it also proves we are ignorant. We are ignorant because sometimes we talk bad about others not knowing the battles they fight in their own.  I know we have all at some point felt that we have hit rock bottom but no one realize you feel defeated, the world has to change it's mind set to help those individuals.
   Now we might wonder what is there for us to do ? Well, maybe if we stopped showing maximum hate for the smallest reasons than maybe we could actually understand each other. Sometimes color or gender preference is what makes people receive prejudice. In my mind that is just ignorant a person's color or gender should be a valid reason to segregate them. Who knows maybe being  a little more open minded could've prevented a persons suicide. We are all humans why is it so hard for us to accept everyone black,brown,white,lesbian, or straight those differences shouldn't be a barrier to us all being equal.
    Everyone fights a battle we don't know of. We don't know what is going through people's heads or lives so we should try to make people feel welcomed and try to at least give people a little break from their personal problems. It is easy for us to judge a person not knowing what made a person the way they are. In my case I have fought my own battles  by myself and I won't lie and say at times I have felt like I have hit rock bottom but no one will see that side of me because we all focus on a person's looks. People tend to mistake my laughter for happiness and my silence for sadness but the reality is different. I tend to laugh a lot when go through things because its easier to be able to get through the day because laughter can actually cure any negativity in your life. I also tend to crack a joke about people's problems so they can laugh at their OWN problems and so that problem doesn't seem so tough because I know what is like to go through your issues alone and I know that I at least did something to brighten a person's day.
    As you guys see even simple things can make a person's day better. I know in the start it may look like I would've talked about hate rather than what to do to contradict the hate but the world is to great to focus in hate. Lets rather think of ways to get rid of the hate.

Life as a Student during Covid-19

 I believe that life as a student is tough and difficult for various reasons. Some are time and resources these both impact more students th...